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Millennial Review

Nov 28, 2019

In the first part of a 2-part Q and A, we begin by discussing Obama scolding the left and the possibility of a prime minister Jeremy Corbyn. We then answer listeners questions about Sanders V Warren, feminism, and the unique danger of Mayo Pete.

Nov 20, 2019

The brilliant Harvey J. Kaye returns to the podcast to talk about his new book, Take Hold of our History: Make America Radical...

Nov 13, 2019

In this episode, Trevor covers Bernie's new plan on immigration, why all billionaires suck including Bill Gates, the freeing of Lula de Silva, and the military coup in Bolivia.

Nov 9, 2019

In this episode Justin and PhD candidate Zack Root discuss AOC in Iowa and climate change more generally. Then they discuss Lula and corruption in Brazil. Finally they debate the potential for big institutional change versus a sense of pluralism.

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Nov 6, 2019

In this edition Justin takes a look at the budding Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party and how it differs from the Obama era. Both in goals and the organizing principles which drive the party. Then the episode is rounded out with a discussion of the difference between the Elizabeth Warren Medicare for All...